Plannnig a wedding or event at Hacienda las Mesas.
Arrange the perfect wedding with the perfect plan for our lovely venue Hacienda las Mesas. For your wedding we offer two catering options, horse show, and music and dance show, We also help you to find and arrange exactly what you have on your mind.
Wedding and Event Planner
Wedding planner services specialized on Hacienda las Mesas weddings. We help you to arrange the perfect and unforgettable wedding or event in lovely Jerez and Andalusia.
Prices from 850 EUR
Catering Casual Rural
Wedding Style
The perfect catering for a casual and intimate rural wedding at Hacienda las Mesas. The perfect table, food and beverage with a casual and unique style.
Classic Elegant
Wedding Venue Style
The most suitable option for a classic and elegant wedding at Hacienda la Mesas. Amazing tables, food and beverage with a classy style.
Flamenco Music and Dance
with Paco Peña el Gasolina y familia
Lovely flamenco music and dance at Hacienda las Mesas during the wedding. You may inlcude flamenco music during the wedding day and flamenco dance. It is possible to add flamenco clases before the wedding.
Prices from 1.000 EUR